I remember visiting her brand new baby A, meeting her Mom and Dad and T her best friend from her Baltimore days. We both had a history with Baltimore. Her husband's cancer came just 6 weeks after the birth of baby A. The treatment was aggressive and the recovery arduous. They returned to a sort of new normal for a few years before the radiation damage began to kick in so very hard. She was there for me through all of my depressions and I tried to be there as much as I could for her. Sometimes I was 5 miles away, 9 time zones away, 800 miles.
I spent an hour with her in a coffee shop in Annapolis 3 weeks ago. To be in her presence was to be restored. We talked of her husband's health and my husband's health. Me feeling a little guilty for the extra time MM and I are getting, as they are running out of time right now. Today she sits with husband D 800 miles from here at his hospice bedside, vent removed, feeding tube out. I am wishing and praying and crying in a way I didn't expect. Sending prayers out for KML and D tonight, and not quite believing that it is our generation's turn for loss.
Sorry for all; wishing you could be together to support and comfort. Hugs.