Monday, July 4, 2016


We have gone to Riverton every year for the Fourth of July since we married, except those years we were overseas.It is where MM's grandmother, Maude was raised. The original house burned down years ago. Maude and Willam built their retirement home in Riverton. MM's childhood summers were spent here. I wasn't certain we would be able to make it this year, nor was I certain he would understand if we couldn't. My packing was a disorganized mish mash with a few critical items: bathing suit, oxygen  concentrator, MM's pill box, beach ball, living will, Do Not Resusicitate order, allergy and asthma medications for the kids, durable power of attorney. 

Last night we arrived late. iMac and Butter found their cousins and were off for a game of manhunt. I brought the linens from home, Nemo and Thomas the Train. MM purchased them for Riverton along with the rickety bunk beds years ago.  I couldn't remember which boy got Nemo and which got Thomas. MM recalled that iMac had always used the Nemo sheets. These are the details that blur in my mind. MM always remembers. He tucked in the corner of a fitted sheet on the top bunk. I realized this is the last time we will make these beds together. I started to cry. Since the tumors, radiation and seizures his remarks are now more than a little bit off. "I'm really going to miss you," he said. It almost made me laugh, but didn't. As if I was going on a long trip.

1 comment:

  1. Oh S. I had no idea. Had heard skin cancer then nothing else. We have moved but still remember mustache mans many kindnesses to max who saw his dad 36 hours/week for 7 years. Mustache man always made time to make max smile. I'll be sending you something via mail. Much love for your sharing this although it broke my heart to think how I could have been part of your support team if we had stayed there.
